Normally, a B.Sc in Agriculture is a four-year course, however a few colleges or organizations offer a five-year course. The educational modules change, from finding out about soil science to agricultural meteorology, and there is a harmony amongst hypothesis and practicals. Your last year will contain hands-on preparing, which helps in tying up all you have learned in the initial three years, to influence you to work prepared.
B.Sc. Farming includes the investigation of agricultural sciences and utilization of current logical gear and systems in agribusiness, arrive studying, soil science, water asset administration, creature, and poultry administration, nuts and bolts of biotechnology and so forth. The goal of the course is to utilize these ideas to prepare understudies to enhance farming efficiency.
B. Sc: Student must have passed 12th in science stream, and must have cleared the Entrance Exam.
A Graduate from B.Sc Agriculture can get jobs at the following designation:
Expected Salary for fresher may be around Rs. 15,000 - 20,000/- per month.